This pigeon thing is getting to be a lot of POOP. It’s one thing to have a passionate opinion. But it’s important to communicate it reasonably and with a modicum of civility.

I think the Pigeon Advocate is beginning to cross the line in terms of the way she is presenting her ideas. 

Less is more in my book. And endless attacks on those who disagree with you and/or portray you in a way not to your liking are pretty ridiculous.

This is about the pigeons and NOT the Pigeon Advocate or the term Pigeon Lover, or a newspaper editor or anything else.

Advice to the Pigeon Advocate:  stay serious and on point. Your rants are beginning to fly off in unrelated directions that help no one, most especialy the pigeons you purport to love or yourself.


  1. Putting out bird seed was never considered “the respectable thing to do.” It was something that some people did on their own property and not on their neighbors property, knowing that it might annoy them.

  2. Robert Frost:
    “And if at times the mob is swayed, to carry praise or blame too far, we might take something like a star, to stay our minds on and be stayed.”
    I am not sure how many people are now hostile and/or annoyed and/or enraged that I continue to care for the plight not just of pigeons but for the public space where people – many — are allowed to feed the birds. We do not yet live in a lock down society — we all pay taxes and the public sphere is shrinking. This is not just about pigeons, but it is also amazing how many people either want to make it trivial and/or think that it is so infuriating that they have made death threats against me. You decide. All I’m doing is trying to pay attention to the suffering around me. It should not be a Pigeon haters vs. pigeon lovers scenario. I have (through various organizations) proposed many urban initiatives which would create a “living with urban wildlife” model, much like they have in Portland, Oregon. For those of you who find me trivial, I can’t help that. We live in a “common wealth” — public space is not dominated only by those who hate pigeons. I’m not talking about throwing down garbage on anyone’s front steps. But putting out bird seed is no crime. It used to be the respectable thing to do.

  3. Amen, Louise. I couldn’t agree more although I do think she crossed the line some time ago. It may be more of a surprise that the vast majority of New Yorkers hate pigeons. Only the vocal ones are standing up for these birds.

  4. Her rants are *beginning* to fly off the handle?? I was afraid she’d take over this blog! It’s perfectly reasonable for her neighbor to not want birdseed and pigeons right in front of his stoop. And Methodist employees are not “goons” just for doing their jobs and keeping the sidewalks clear. Over the course of this person’s many posts, it seems clear that she is unable to respect anyone else’s point of view when it comes to her cause. Sweeping away birdseed does not make someone bird-killing suspect #1. I love animals and wish no harm on the pigeons. But people who treat their neighbors with such contempt just reinforce that “crazy-animal-person” stereotype.

  5. As one disinterested observer can easily tell, this loony pigeon lady is definitely cuckoo.
    Feed the birds in Prospect Park. They deserve it.
    Those birds are fun to watch, and it’s even better when a rare bird is spotted there.
    Don’t feed the birds on property belonging to others besides yourself, or quasi-public property maintained by private entities [the sidewalks and 18″ into the street, so says the Sanitation Dept.].

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