The Community Bookstore sent word of a new monthly event, which began on Wednesday, November 14th @ 7:30 p.m. and it will continue on the second Wednesday of every month.

Whether beginner or experienced, we hope you’ll join us as we form a literary knitting circle on the second Wednesday of every month.

And really, it doesn’t have to be literary – but maybe it would be nice if it was? We’ll informally gather to knit, learn to knit, help others knit, talk about books and yarn, and maybe swap some yarn too (so bring any skeins you’re dying to get rid of!).

In general, a grand ol’ time. Bring yarn and needles for the project your working on, and if you come next week, you can help decide what our new group should be called. (oh…I don’t know..Literary Knitters? LitKnits? Community Knitters?

Something much more clever than any of these?) Refreshments will be on hand to quench anything that needs quenching.