This just in from the Pigeon Advocate. In her own words:
For the past week (since Monday 11/5/07); there have been 10 to 20 run-over pigeons found in piles (I know that is a horrible image, especially for me) on the corner of 8th Avenue and 6th Street.
You may recall this is the same block where the fellow yelled and screamed that his son is allergic to pigeons and so nobody on the block should put down any bird seed. This same man – I had to file a harassment complaint (and did) was laughing this morning when I pointed to the piles of dead birds.
The 78th precinct (Community Affairs) have been contacted and are currently investigating this crime. It is illegal (as well as highly inhumane) to purposely run down pigeons. Even removing pigeons from any area requires a permit from the DEC. Killing them outright is punishable under animal cruelty statutes as well as the more common crime of vandalism against New York City “property” (pigeons are property of the state).
The ASPCA humane law enforcement have been contacted as well. If anyone sees or knows who is purposely doing this, please write down their license plate and report it to the 78th precinct – 718 636 6410 and/or call Officer Zais at the ASPCA – 212 876 7700, X 4450.
Between the Methodist Hospital “goons” (they come with their little sidewalk sweeper and try to mow down anyone who leaves bird seed on the sidewalk) and this maniac with his son, it is difficult to know who is purposely killing these birds. I spoke to several concerned moms this morning who drop their daughters off at the Catholic school on the corner – they were horrified and have been talking about it as well. They could not believe anyone would keep doing this. The first morning (Monday) they thought it was an accident – but it was the same scene every single morning this week.
I should have taken pictures but I was too upset. I will try to take my camera with me from now own. I am putting up warning signs today on the block.
I had 2 pet pigeons and kept them in cages in my Queens apartment until one died at only age 4 this August from ingesting a bird antibiotic that was apparently bad. (I rescued one from the street, and the other was raised from an egg that had been selected for population control.) My late female named simply “Pidge” had more character and was a better pet and friend than any of the score of dogs and cats I’ve had, and was better company than most humans. If people could just see ho smart pigeons are, and all the positive traits they have, they would surely be more willing to tolerate the few minor inconvenience their poop causes.
I understand pigeons have a right to be on this earth as we do but having people feed them their left over dinner is in a word “disgusting”. Not only are you attracting rodents to come finish up what pigeons are unable to peck at but you encourage rodents to invade the homes of your neighbors. Bread crumbs are fine as long as you ensure they finish them up before the rodents come along. however, my sweet middle-eastern neighbors are handing out pita breads and mounds of potatoes. Yes chunks of POTATOES. why do they think pigeons need to be fed like “HUMANS”? I’m Asian but you don’t see me leaving out dumplings or a plate of fried rice. Leave the left-over foods for the homeless people or for the trash. Keep the community where you live clean and respect your neighbors, not just the ones living to the right and left of you.
You know, I like the pigeons. They don’t offend anyone. They eat the crumbs and stuff people drop — get there before the rats. They seem to genuinely like those who deal with them regularly, and that is a real treat to watch.
This guy Felder and his cronies just want to stick they long noses in everyone else’s business. I hate to say it, but it’s really pretty bad when a Jew takes on the same totalitarian attitude as Hitler.
One of the things that is so delightful about the products of government-run schools: They miss the point of things. They are like people who get suckered into Three Card Monty games.
Felder’s proposals entail substantial expenditure. The pigeon czar? Assume an assistant commissioner (consistent with Felder’s Gov. Ops. committee chairmanship…), a deputy assistant, a couple personal assistants, a secretarial and clerical staff and an office with perks; add to the salaries the benefits schedule — voila! Three-quarters of a million, easily. Pigeon birth control? Ovotrol is fed throughout the breeding season; pigeons breed 365 days a year; cost: ~5-$6 millions. The meds are added to feed — yup, in this scheme, the city becomes responsible for locating and feeding the pigeons; add another half-million for bird seed (which would be a substantially discounted-for-volume-purchase price). Accipitrine robots? $4Gs each, plus maintenance (not with NY-trained techs, either; we don’t have schools to train ’em) and so on. Live hawks: Well, yeah, once released they should do OK on their own. The sight of a hawk devouring a live pigeon is very edifying; tourists will be able to take their own pigeon snuff films (and our less mentally robust neighbors will have new entertainment options). [Not all pigeons are killed by their attacking hawks; I spotted one poor critter today, its back raw and bleeding, missing all its tail feathers; hopping about on one foot, while favoring the other — a brave creature, trying to get on with its life, while soccer moms here in Tribeca jollied their children with the sight.] Still, if the city is to bring the hawks in, and insure they flourish, this will entail an expansion of animal care staff. Also, the city council will have to pass legislation absolving itself of responsibility for pet animals taken by those same hawks — but the ordinance might not survive challenges in court (given the city corp. counsel’s office, probably won’t — even with friendly judges).
Felder wants to be Comptroller. He needs to generate a positive image; it is an elective posish, and he needs to be seen as out front and all that. This is hard for a chap who seems to have spent a great deal of time in Israel — some of his constituents would argue, more time dealing with Israeli issues than with those of the city. If he has to spend ~$10-$15 million of your money on this, rather than on things you might really want — well, you schmucks in Brooklyn elected him, we should let you pick up the tab.
G. W. Plunkett was right: You really are all pretty much hicks and hayseeds over there.
So, Sr. Columba:
“They’re here, they’re queer, get used to it?”
Hmmm. Where do little pigeons come from, then?
Are there in-vitro pigeon procreation facilities?
Is pigeon adoption a growing trend?
This whole thing is cuckoo.
I am linking “save the” the London group who cares for London birds to save a lot of typing. Hear this: pigeons do not come from North America. They were brought here (probably not of their liking) from Europe and do not (like most native birds) eat insects to survive. How sad for them — we are an insect festival. These birds were mostly brought here by pigeon fanciers and/or for sport (pigeon racing) and in fact, pigeons have been used in war (one even got a medal of honor – Pigeon Joe). Since they are here — we brought them and then abandoned them to the streets. They used to survive on hay seed or wild grass seed — but not much of that nowadays. So what do we do as a community? Allow them to continue to scavange garbage (they do) and contract diseases (botulism is the most popular) live about one year, procreate, t hen die? In their native environs, pigeons live up to 15 years. In Brooklyn, they average 2. If t hey’re lucky. “They’re here, they’re queer, get used to it?” They are here. Many people love their enthusiasm for life, their ability to dance with joy at just the offering of a bread crumb. Contray to your posts, p igeons help rid the streets of bread crumbs and/or other edibles which helps reduce the likelihood of rodents. The problem comes when ignorant people leave hardened bread (they cannot eat, their beaks are very soft) and/or other horrible garbage in the street. They should issue licenses for people to leave responsible seed. The city is not comprised solely of pigeon haters. Witness the’s very large membership as well as the many (over half a dozen) pigeon rescue groups in our town. Instead of thinking of ways to starve them to death and/or to leave them tons o’ garbage, perhaps finding a consolidated and responsible way to have them be a part of our community would make sense. Pigeon safe islands; and/or other innovative architecture. Wildlife rehabilitators would love to work together on solutions. For those who posted that the pigeon advocate (me) needs to get a life. This is my life. Caring for the lowest of the low. I am in good company. Consult your bible. Oh, no, now someone will post that I have delusions of martyrdom. You just can’t win, now can you?
This lady sounds like a nightmare and a terrible neighbor. I would hate to live next door to someone who insisted upon feeding pigeons. She should cut it out.
If it’s so healthy to feed pigeons why were there proposed laws to make it a fine-able offense?
it’s not wrong to feed pigeons. If you feed ‘responsibly,’ i.e., don’t leave cartons of rice or bread out and use bird seed, you will figure out quickly how much they will eat and none will be left over for rats.
there are many misconceptions about pigeons – the “health hazards” being a big one. If you look on the Dept of Health web site (NYC), you will see that there is basically no health hazard. It’s all about humans and how responsible they are. It’s never about the deer or the birds or the squirrels – there is almost always a human component to anything ‘we’ view as a “problem.”
Try thinking of other species instead of just going into your textbook ‘this is what i learned from society’ rote views. WE have to be inclusive of other species, not harm them. Pigeons are great birds, unique, fascinating to watch… if you give them a chance.
they should not be purposefully maligned or run over.
(and if you have kids, maybe help them to learn about animals vs. running into them – which makes the young ones or ill ones prone to get into the street and hurt or injured by cars. which makes it that much harder for those of us who do rehabilitation. feeding them healthy food, within limits, keeps them healthy.)
I think pigeons are great. I don’t currently feed them, but since it seems they have so many wildly obsessed enemies around here, I think I will start.
in London, they are trying to eliminate the pigeons from Trafalgar sq, because they are presenting a health hazard, and this nut is feeding them.
NYC is currently fighting a rat infestation. If you are putting bird seed on the ground you are feeding the rats as well as the pigeons. There are NYC ordinances about leaving food and/or trash in public places in such manner in that it encourages the rat population to grow, it’s called illegal.
Does the Pigeon Lady have a sister?
Then they could be the Pigeon Sisters
[from Neil Simon’s “The Odd Couple”]
FYI their names were Gwendolyn and Cecily.
Pigeons should not be encouraged. Or should they be fed on property other than your own. As I characterize them in the “rats with wings” category. I’d much rather see other birds like the common “baseball” birds [blue jays, cardinals], mourning doves, sparrows, hawks, and the common sea gull.
Though I truly think this woman is related to the common loon.
this woman is obviously lacking other things in her life
I don’t agree with feeding pidgeons and there have been times when I felt like killing them.. but didn’t. There was a pidg lady who fed the damn birds infront of the post office on 9th street.. I live close …like next door. She fed them garbage… from my garbage cans..yep.. she would tear apart my garbage, find scraps of food and drop it on the ground in front and adjacent to my house. She probably sent many a bird to an early I am Dead position. This went on for a decade until the Lord decided to take her…I see her in the section of hell that looks like St Marco Square in Venice (only darker). Either that or she is in Purgatory and won’t get out until she feeds every pidgeon that has flown down there with her.
It’s wrong to kill or harm pigeons.
It’s also wrong to feed them.
Please don’t do either.