Pastor Daniel Meeter wants to thank the community for their interest and participation in the conversation about the homeless men wh live on the steps of Old First Church.

A large number of people saw his original post on the Old First Blog, on the New York Times’s blog, City Room, and on OTBKB. At next week’s Park Slope Civic Council meeting there will be a discussion of this matter.

It is all very gratifying to Pastor Meeter who believes that the community can work together to find a solution to this vexing problem.

On his blog, there’s a update on this developing story.

There are some new facts on the ground. On Sunday afternoon, the cops were called in twice by neighbors. I have to say the cops were great.

As I left the church on Sunday evening, I found a steel bar the guys were keeping as a weapon. On Monday morning I learned that the men had been urinating in front of nursery school children and into their play-yard. On Monday evening a deacon confirmed to me that the men had exposed themselves in front of children while urinating.

Yesterday Frank showed me his face, very badly bruised. He told me had fallen, but I don’t believe him. His face tells a different story. This morning I removed a blanket with blood stains on it.

“It’s come to this, oh yes, it’s come to this.” (I guess I always expected it would come to this.)

I have been denying them permission to sleep on our grounds since last July, but I found it impossible to enforce. As of this morning, the Commander of Precinct 78 agreed with me that the police would enforce it…