Someone on Park Slope Parents is wondering if it is illegal to smoke in children’s
playgrounds? She says that there are no signs forbidding it and when she called 311, they
didn’t know.
Apparently, the Parks Department website doesn’t address this issue. I think she should call the NYC Department of Health.
This PSP member has a plan. If it is illegal, she wants to know if would anyone is interested in helping her get it stopped? I
I am curious how she plans to accomplish this. Is she thinking along the lines of a vigilante anti-smoking squad?
Signs, T-shirts, buttons, public service announcements?
This PSP member says that’s she’s seen people smoking at the playground in JJ Byrne, even when there are kids nearby, and even while sitting
on the jungle gym steps!
Truthfully, this doesn’t surprise me all that much. People are still allowed to smoke outside. And a lot of people could care less about the second-hand smoke heath issues they are creating.
This PSP member was shocked to see a woman smoking near children. But her shock turned to action when the mom/smoker threw her butt on the ground. The PSP member went up to her and gently told her that a child might pick it up and put it in his/her mouth.
Apparently the woman apologized but that didn’t stop her from smoking right near the swings near other children.
Is this PSP member really going to start an anti-smoking in playgrounds brigade? I can’t wait to see what happens.
i’d be more concerned with all the car exhaust fumes. your car is causing way more damage than smokers. and you can’t see it or smell which makes it worse. we should ban all cars from within 1 mile of playgrounds.
PS moms — just living up to their reputation for being ridiculous.
“Nothing”? I disagree. There’s a question–is smoking permitted in playgrounds?–and then an observation that smokers are sometimes oblivious to the people around them who may be annoyed, if not harmed, because they’re “outdoors”. Worth discussing.
I admit that I’ve never read through that whole small-print list of rules at the Harmony playground entrance. Wonder if it’s in there.
If it is, the park staffers who hang out at the N end of the Harmony Playground break it every day.
Ech ech…. not to the smoking but to making an issue out of nothing.. Isn’t it weird in journalism how if you just STATE what happened at a specific moment in time you cam make a big issue of NOTHING!
I dunno if this counts as blogging…restating someone’s post in a yahoo group just seems tired and you don’t add anything of value to the discussion, such as your opinion. the writing isn’t even witty.
Get a life. Smoking is not a crime.