I got this exuberant note from Club Loco founder, Lois Wingerson. She is a member of Old First Church and the dynamo behind the Club, a monthly music/social space for teenagers. She got the club off the ground, with an energetic and enthusiastic team of Old First members and neighborhood teens and adults. Now it really seems to be catching on. Here is Lois’ note.

Last night’s opener for our 2007-2008 broke our
records: 104 fans crowded in to hear three great bands:
Banzai, Post No Bills, and Sister Helen.

The scene was so lively that we actually had to bring
the bouncer inside once, and the sound manager had to
make a friendly comment about the nature of dancing.
But it was a great, loud evening with a terrific feel.

Best news of all: WE"RE GOING ON THE AIR. NPR
affiliate WFUV was there interviewing fans and taping
bands. We’re told we’re going to be a small part of an
introductory show and a much larger part of a later

Last night we tried out a new policy replacing
frisking with bag checks and emptying pockets.

The matter of body searches has been the subject of some
disagreements, and was part of a survey we handed out
last night to help make CL even more user-friendly.

But we also want to continue to broaden our reach
beyond Park Slope, so our security policies may need
to keep changing with the times.

We haven’t yet firmed up the lineup for November 17
(or the rest of the year), so if you know of a band
that wants to know about us, please pass on the
myspace URL:

Thanks again for your interest in Club Loco.