On Saturday September, 29: The Dance Studio is having a big Grand Opening Bash with a ribbon cutting ceremony, open house, politicians, a legendary musical group…

A legendary musical group? That’s right. The Persuasion are going to be there. The Persuasions? The acapella group, whose albums I listened to non-stop when I was in college? 


That’s pretty cool and a great way to inaugurate the new space on Sackett Street.

Until June of 2007, The Dance Studio was located at 808 Union Street for umpteeen years. Then, the landlord raised their rent big time and would not renew their lease. A familiar story in these parts.

Now Kidville, a high-end children’s activity space (the fun place for little city people) is in the location that used to be the Slope’s favorite spot for dance and gymnastic classes for kids and adults.

Longtime owner Jennifer Kliegel searched for a new space closer to her Park Slope client-base but the prices nearby were "through the roof." Then she found the space on Sackett Street, which she spent the summer renovating. It is now a state-of-the-art, air conditioned, and much improved home for the Dance Studio.

Sometimes good things come from bad situations. This is a welcome change for the Dance Studio and a chance to bring even more Brooklynites into the fold.

New Location: 630 Sackett Street, 718-789-4419

12-1: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

1-3: Open House


  1. I’ve been taking classes at Jenn’s new space and can say that it is terrific! All the workout and dance classes are fun and in such a friendly setting, especially for us adults. And the state of the art studio is a huge improvement. Way to go Jenn!

  2. If a business wants to be locatedin a hot/trendy area, that’s gonna cost ’em. Umpteen years or not. It sucks and it is unfortunate, but that’s the way it works. The owner should not be expected to do anything but fulfill the obligations of their lease. Which they did. The owners of a building are not a charity. The building is probably an investment. It is their personal property. There is no bad guy here. (At the same time, I am very happy that a long-time local biz found a spot, and is still with us.)
    Park Slope crossed the line into retail oblivion quite a while ago. But we whine and complain … All of this is done to the tune of residents moaning about the loss of the mom-and-pops as they stroll out of Barnes & Noble with a Starbucks cup in their hand, welcoming the arrival of Whole Foods, and waiting for their FreshDirect order.

  3. When will the stereotypes and lies end?
    Rent was never a factor in her lease not being renewed.
    Rent was never discussed.
    I am happy that she found a new space, in fact I helped her negotiate the construction prices in talks with Jenn.
    I’m very disturbed that people resort to economic warfare, and propaganda as a means of excusing and justifying behavior.
    I would have hoped that Park Slope evolved beyond this tired, old, rhetoric.

  4. Way to go, Jennifer! We’ll be stopping by…sounds like it may be time to take up tap dancing again!

  5. Hats off to Jennifer. My daughter went to the dance studio for years, like everyone else’s kids. I am glad she was able to make lemonade from the lemons that her very greedy landlord gave her. Very tired of seeing so many local merchants having to scamper to find an affordable location (not easy these days) or just close up shop. Anyway, very happy to see Jennifer begin again. Good for her.

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