Did you read the one about Manny Howard, the urban farmer guy, in New York Magazine? You know, the guy who wanted to test the idea of the locavore movement by growing a garden in his Ditmas Park backyard?
He wanted to see if he could eat off the land for a month by growing vegetables, raising rabbits, and making homegrown whiskey (which he never got around to).
In the process, he spent $11,000, did some things right and others wildly wrong, and really seemed to piss off his wife. Part of the farm was destroyed by the Brooklyn tornado of 2007. Serves him right: the whole thing was for a book deal, right?
I have to say, it made for a good story. I liked the way it was written. The whole thing was such an interesting fiasco. And very informative, too.
Apparently New York Magazine was barraged with letters from annoyed readers. But sometimes those New York Magazine articles are intended to incite readers. Right?
I think it was sincere in a New York Magazine kind of way.
Someone wrote in to say that Manny should have scrapped the whole idea and given his $11,000 to a local CSA. But what about the rabbits? He wanted to eat meat, too. I wonder if he will now join the local CSA. Or is he writing this whole fiasco into a book.
My guess is look for it in bookstores in about a year or so.