So what do a bunch of Third Street dwellers do when they’re in California? They sit by the long blue pool for hours and hours.

Smartmom’s wireless works at the pool. OSFO got an inflatable lobster at Target. Teen Spirit is reading Ham and Rye by Charles Bukowski. Hepcat is working…

Lunch today was tomato sandwiches with tomatoes so fresh, so delicious: you just never tasted any so good.

And there are Satsuma plums: the sweetest, most delicious plums in the world. And watermelon and beer for the adults.

OSFO practices her diving, she jumps onto her lobster float. Teen Spirit continues to read. When Smartmom gets very hot she dives in. Teen Spirit may take a dip. Even Hepcat will come in eventually.

But OSFO. She stays in for hours.