The Stephen Talkhouse Fellows, the Montauk Club’s
“house subcommittee for under-35’s," was out in force today on the steps of the Montauk Club doing all kinds of home improvements to the building. These are the guys who were profiled on New York Magazine’s blog recently (and pictured left):
“Every other Thursday, the Fellows take over the club’s spectacular
second floor. Tompkins e-mails invitations to a “curated list." The crew personally unscrewed half the bulbs in the
bar area (it used to be lit like a high-school gym), wheedled the club
into replacing the ancient eggplant-colored tablecloths with crisp
white linens, and expanded the cocktail menu. Staff complaints about
the Talkhouse crew, which came bearing well-forgotten cocktail recipes
and ostentatiously exacting standards, waned with the arrival of a
demographic long unseen at the bar: young women."
Clearly, they’re bringing fresh energy to the mysterious Montauk Club, which is a popular spot for film shoots, weddings, Weight Watcher’s meetings and Gymboree.
I’ve been hearing about jazz music nights and literary readings. It’s all a win-win for Park Slope and the Montauk Club. One of the Talkhouse Fellows said that there are frequent prospective member events and hey, I wanna know about it.
My office is downstairs in the condo part of the building. I love going to work in that building. It gives me a lift every day. And I love walking out because someone is always gawking at the building, admiring it and reading the historical plaque.
Props to the guys on the stoop. The Stephen Talkhouse Fellows are my kind of guys. Shining up the bannister, restoring, improving, bringing some much-needed spirit to a very special place.