Someone by the name Wildlife Helper left a comment about the Guineafowl in Prospect Park, which I found interesting.
[Guinea fowl are] NOT indigenous to the Park and probably dumped/abandoned like the ducklings I encountered recently. People get these animals as ‘pets’ and then grow tired of them. “who knew” is right! Not me…
They have many predators to these guinea fowl: dogs, raccoons, oppossums, more. According to a wildlife rehabilitator I asked, they are like regular domestic chickens.
Should be brought to a sanctuary. If you see again, please email me: giveducksachanc (at) gmail dot com.
hi. thanks for posting this on your blog!
fyi, it’s give (with an ‘e’ at the end of chance).
here is a photo of a Guinea Fowl(I didn’t know either until I did a google search!):