A bit of drama on Third Street. And it’s all because we got a new barrister bookcase that came in a large box this morning.

This evening just as it started to rain, a very drunk man decided to use a large piece of the box as shelter.

He took it and himself down the exterior stairs to our basement and slept there. Out cold.

Mrs. Kravitz was going down to do her laundry when she was completely startled by the site of this sleeping man.

She flagged down the 17-year-old boy who lives in the house next door. He spoke Spanish to the man who was too drunk to move.

Mrs. Kravitz called 911:

"Is this 911 or 311," she asked when she got someone on the phone. "This isn’t an emergency but help is needed."

They sent a police car and an EMT ambulance. 

"The guy urinated all over the box," Mrs. Kravitz me. It was more than I wanted to know but I did help Mrs. Kravitz move the large piece of box over to the garbage for Friday recycling pick up. It was my box, afterall.

A bit of drama on Third Street. And all because of the barrister bookcase that came in a big box.


  1. I am just pleased that it was sensorship, not censorship. That word has conjured images of an oversize touchy-feely sea vessel on wheels peacefully passing Park Slope Ale House on its way down 6th Ave…
    (Glad that the NY Times introduces us to your blog!)

  2. I’m more annoyed at the sensorship that these bloggers decide they can inflict on us. who are you guys to decide what should or shouldn’t be on the site? brooklyn heights blog is even bigger with their sensorship…boohoo.

  3. What’s with the nasty comments? And you people who make tired jokes about “you live in Brooklyn, what do you expect?” probably don’t even live IN Brooklyn. You smell of Scarsdale residents who read the Post and talk about being New Yorkers. There, I said it. You web tourists would FREAK if there was an drunk guy peeing on your stoop. It was a slice of life item. Talk of the street, if you will. Just read something else or start your own blog if you want breathless accounts of news.
    Meanwhile, GHB, are you the Boerum Hill pooper? Are you?

  4. A homeless person slept and peed in a box outside your house? In Brooklyn?!
    How can this be possible?
    Are you kidding me?

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