At 10 p.m on Friday night, after seeing Pixar’s "Ratatouille," Hepcat drove to the Fifth Avenue Apple Store and shelled out more money into Steve Job’s pocket for an iPhone. He also bought one for Diaper Diva (who now owes him $599.00).

"If the phone is half asa good as Ratatouille was I’ll be very pleased," Hepcat said as he opened his new iPhone box.

"They’ve got a guy standing out in front and every time someone walks in he says" ‘Oooooh iPhone.’ Then he claps his hands every time a customer leaves the store with a phone."

Hepcat said the store wasn’t very crowded when he got there so he milled around and looked at  accessorries. Then 100 people walked in and he got on line and bought one for himself and DD.

It took Hepcat a long time to drive home to Brooklyn because there were check points on 18th Street and the Battery Tunnel related to increased security around the city because of the  London bomb plot. "Near Tiger Schumlman’s it took ten minutes to go one block," he says.

So far, Hepcat is quite enamoured of the packaging. "Very nice," he says. Now he’s reading the manual. "Do not use iPhone in rain, or near washbasins or others wet locations. Take care not to spill any food or liquid on iPhone. In case iPhone gets wet, unplug all cables…Do not attempt to dry iPhone with an external heat surces, such as a microwave oven or hair dryer."

The camera is very nice on it, Hepcat says. He checked the Internet on one of the phones at the store. "OTBKB has very, very tiny type when you try to look at it on the iPhone. We’ll have to do a special iPhone version for the iPhone I guess."