10th Street reports: About 40 oldtimers and newtimers joined in as well as five guests from
other parts of NYC, Nelly and her hubby, Susan and her daughter, and
one TV station reporter!

BYOB and BYO children went well. We had three tables covered with white
sheets: one was for kazoos, kid activities (chalk and bubbles),
solstice books, and STOOPendous postcards; one for yellow cups and
drinks (lemonde with lemon slices and stonger stuff); and one for
food–folks brought finger food and desserts. Ladybird Bakery’s sun
cookies all disappeared. Bananas to slice and dip in melted milk
chocolate were a hit. Yellow and red pepper slices with dips were

Participants loved the shout-out. Kazoos were used by all. A neighbor
led the drum-and-tamborine countdown, and when we hit the sundown
moment folks readily sang You are my Sunshine and On the Sunny Side of
the Street.

Michael the STOOPendous Monkey (a large stuffed animal in my
STOOPendous shirt) presided over the scene.Three sunflowers in a vase
were beautiful.

All in all, eveyone agreed, a success!