The Burger Bar is is on Seventh Avenue and 9th Street (take the F to Seventh Avenue).
Here’s the jazzy schedule for the rest of June and July. Ninth Street is quite the music street what with Barbes, Burger Bar, and the Jewish Music Cafe when that resumes in the fall.  Barbes just completed a 3-day Accordionology Festival — woo.

Good food. Good drink. Good music!
No cover.
Music start at 9 and goes to 1a.m. every Thursday and Saturday.

Here’s the cast of characters:
6/21 Kurt Stockdale tenor sax, Charles Sibirsky piano, Dan Shuman bass

6/23 David Farrrer alto sax, Fred Gilde piano, Josh Paris bass
6/28 Gary Levy alto sax, C.S. piano, Joe Solomon bass
6/30 Anders Nilson guitar, C.S. piano,  Dan Shuman bass
7/5 David Farrrer alto sax, Fred Gilde piano, Josh Paris bass

7/7 Gary Levy alto sax, Virg Dzurinko piano, Alex Gressel bass
7/12 Kurt Stockdale tenor sax, C.S. piano, Ray Parker bass
7/14 John Merrill guitar, C.S. piano, Dan Shuman bass
7/19  Anders Nilson guitar, C.S. piano,  Dan Shuman bass

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