You could have parked yourself at Old First Church on Sunday all day during Seventh Heaven and enjoyed quite a variety of music.

I know I did.

In the morning, Chocolate Chip Music, Helen Richman’s children’s concert series, presented a woodwinds concert of Peter and the Wolf, with dramatic narration by a woman with lovely English accent.

In the afternoon, there was great soul singing by kids from The Urban Academy, an well-regarded NYC high school, directed by Park Slope’s Ethan Schlesser.

Then it was Club Loco’s turn. The church’s monthly teen concert series presented quite a few of the bands that played Club Loco in the winter/spring of 2007, including Dulaney Banks, Tola, Cool and Unusual, Banzai, and others (names to come).

Listening to such a diverse range of music in front of Old Frist made me realize what a musical community has arisen out of there.

While Club Loco was playing in front of the church, Richman Studio for Flute and Piano was inside having their end of the year recital.