Chris’s Wensink’s blog offers a great narrative of the details of what the Transformers are up to in Brooklyn, as well as their sightseeing forays into Manhattan.

On Wednesday, after a morning of hard work, the group went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, where Chris found a record of his great great grandfather, who arrived at the age of 11 with his parents and five brothers and sisters on August 16, 1918.

For dinner, a group of 20 of the Transformers were treated to free pizza by a businessman the group encountered at a pizza shop in the financial district.

But it was their trip to the World Trade Center site that topped everything else on that unforgettable day.

On the stairs of the site of 9-11 are mounted hand drawings by the children of the men and women who lost their lives that day. Little notes say: “I will miss having my daddy carry me on his shoulders” and “I will always love my daddy,” swelled the emotions of the entire group, bringing many to tears. Matt made the suggestion of getting into a circle to pray for those families who lost a loved one in this tragedy. We gathered into two circles, one inside the other and we prayed for 20 minutes in front of the memorial. As we began praying, people started gathering around, not from our group. There were many who stopped by and looked at us, and some even joined hands with us in prayer, including one man who prayed with us when he joined the circle. After a very heartfelt moment we said Amen, and then Jen led us in “God Bless America.” This moment captured the hearts and minds of everyone in that area that night. There were hugs, tears, loving embraces, and a day never forgotten.