For details on what people are calling the first post-massacre Community Board 6 meeting, check out Gowanus Lounge’s report. Here’s an excerpt.

Community Board 6 held its first meeting since theAtlantic Yards/Gowanus Massacre by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and City Council Member David Yassky that ended the service of nine longstanding members. The Board voted down a resolution criticizing the dismissals and suggesting that the "independence and, indeed, the fundamental value of Community Boards are undermined" by removal of members based on their position on controversial issues. The Board voted against the measure by a voted of 14-6 with a large number of abstentions.

On bike lanes…
On congestion pricing…


  1. I think Marty Markowitz is a great borough president, and being he is very pro for atlantic yards and so are many members on community board 6 pro for it, this is what is going to develop the area and keep this project going and make it what it should be! and not what the local residents are fighting for to keep it as! Go Marty

  2. There are many conflicts of interests that are embodied in Community Boards, not only on CB 6 but CB 13 (Brooklyn). Many of the appointments get member item grants or monies from the city council or borough president. This should be stopped. This is against the City Charter because the politicians pull the strings on CB members when the elected officials threaten not to give them money to their organizations or groups when they want the CB member to vote their way on an issue. Any CB member that is appointed by the council person or borough president should not be allowed to serve if he or she gets these member item monies or grants. Period. It’s a corrupt system. It’s a quid pro quo. The purpose of the CB should be a watch dog or oversight over their community problems & issues. NOT A RUBBER STAMP for the Elected Officials. That’s what a democracy is all about. Good government groups should try to implement these changes otherwise it’s just the same old, same old.

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