Nyack Weed Killer, AKA Mrs. Deserter, used to live across the street on Third Street. She now lives in a beautiful Victorian house in Nyack that I still haven’t seen. I feel terrible that we haven’t made our way up there, yet.

How many years has it been since they vacated their Third Street apartment? How many years has it been since NWK’s window boxes stopped gracing that second floor window ledge?

We still miss them. But we also know that they’re tremendously happy in their big house on the river.

I’m sure she knows about this but just in case, here’s something from n 1010 WINS. It’s really creepy.

New York — Police are advising people in Nyack to lock their windows after three incidents of an intruder getting inside a woman’s apartment while she slept.

Orangetown police say the latest incident was early Sunday on North Broadway. A man removed a screen, entered an apartment and began touching a woman as she slept. He fled through an open window when the women awoke and she and her mother started screaming.

1010 WINS Audio: Terry Sheridan Reports

Police believe the same man severely beat a woman inside her Hudson Avenue apartment during the early morning hours of June 6th. And there was an unsuccessful attempt to open another woman’s window last month.

Police say they don’t have a good description of the suspect because he strikes in a dark room. They say he has large hands and wears a dark hooded sweatshirt.