BRINGING TOMORROW is an amazing five-day, fast and furious theatre workshop created by, for and about teens, led by theatre professionals, and ending with a performance by the teens of the unique theatre piece they’ve created.


If you’re considering
having your child participate, or if you know kids who might be
interested, here are a few things we’d like you to know:


1. The workshop is for teens, ages 15 to 18.
2. Participation is free.
3. The
workshop will involve kids expressing themselves powerfully in a
theatrical format. We’re seeking applicants with strong ideas about
their future and/or an inclination toward creative expression.
4. Absolutely NO theatre experience is necessary (but imagination is required!)
5. Kids need to be available for the entire five-day schedule:
    Monday, 06/25 through Thursday, 06/28 — 9am to 5:30pm
    Friday, 6/29 —  9am to 9pm (including performance)
6. There
will be two short meal breaks each workshop day, with an additional
longer break the day of the performance. Snacks will be provided.
Participants must bring their own lunches.
7. The
current plan is to film the workshop process and the performance so
that the participants can have DVDs and share the experience and its
impact with others.
8. BRINGING TOMORROW is presented by Black Moon Theatre Company, and will take place at the Settlement House in Brooklyn.


If, after reading the attached, BRINGING TOMORROW sounds like a cool experience for your teen, please e-mail me at to
apply (or ask further questions). A detailed phone conversation will
follow, then a phone conversation with the applicant. We’ll be making
decisions shortly, as the workshop dates are fast approaching.


selected, you’ll receive a pre-workshop questionnaire, along with what
we call our "workability agreement," which guides the ethics of how we
work together, as well as a fact sheet and parental consent form.


Thanks very much for your interest. We look forward to meeting you all!


Patrick Richwood, Project Director