An OTBKB reader needs information on local banking.

I need to open a new bank account and I had this idea that I should open it
at Independence Community Bank because their foundation funds so much
Brooklyn goodness, but they’ve been acquired by Sovereign and I don’t know
a thing about them. Williamsburgh Savings? Now HSBC.

So now I’m wondering, what do other Brooklynites do? Does anyone try to
bank locally? I’d go the credit union route, but they seem not to offer so
many interest bearing accounts. Or do they?

I’d love to hear from OTBKB readers about where they bank and how they like it.

I’m serious.


  1. Citibank. I’ve had the account for a long time and do most of my banking online. I rarely go into a branch so I can’t comment on that aspect of the service, but Citibank’s online capabilities and customer support are very good.

  2. Not a Brooklyn resident but I work in downtown Brooklyn. Changed my bank account from HSBC to Commerce a few years ago and am happy with Commerce. Great hours, people are nice and yes, that counting machine. They also encourage and waive fees for not for profit groups.

  3. Alison,
    You should call Brian and ask for more deposit slips!
    What I really want to know is whether the Independence Community Foundation will be able to keep moving, and does Sovereign have a community foundation of their own.

  4. When I moved to NYC from California I opened a bank account with Chase. Lots of fees. I then went with Republic Bank (now HSBC.) It was convenient when I worked in Manhattan, not so convenient in Windsor Terrace. I switched to Independence – local, convenient, etc. Then Sovereign bought them. I don’t know who owns Sovereign. One annoying thing – I can’t use my deposit slips now because Sovereign accounts have one more digit. Banking is pretty standard. I have a savings account at Commerce and I do love being able to get to the bank after work.

  5. Holy Cow. Brian, I didn’t even link to Sovereign. How’d you find OTBKB so fast? I might open an account at Sovereign just because they’re that on top of the blog-o-sphere.
    Thanks for posting my query Louise.
    I’ll hold out for more answers.

  6. I too use Citibank and I have forever, though it’s not becuase I really anything from them besides convenience. I have a friend who uses Commerce for her small business and is very happy with them. They have very convenient hours if you are a person who actually likes to use a bank instead of machines, and they do have that fabulous coin machine, which they let anyone use, even if you’re not a customer.

  7. Citibank.
    Been with them forever, good customer service, people at the 7th Avenue branch are nice.
    Their on-line banking is a breeze; works anywhere.
    Good bank to have if you work NY and California.
    Out of all the banks around, Citibank and Chase are institutions with deep New York roots …
    So is the Bank of New York, but they’re not in PS.
    Most if not all of the old savings banks around have been gobbled up by out of state and out of US companies.

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