Two FREE and FANTASTIC events in Red Hook on Sun Jun 10 at 1pm. How LUCKY is that!

First, head over to the newly-reopened LUCKY GALLERY, where Kris Monroe, our latest NYC emerging talent ‘find’ (by way of Atlanta) has organized a reading that’s sure to get those neurons firing!

Featured writers include:

Kevin Freidberg has worked for the sitcom “King of the Hill,” written for The New York Times Magazine and volunteers on a regular basis for 826NYC and the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.

Harris Bloom is a New York born and bred writer, stand-up comedian, and regulatory accountant. He eagerly awaits the day his fame will allow him to quit one of the three. Guess which one. He can be reached at

Richard Grayson is the author of several short story collections, including With Hitler in New York, I Brake for Delmore Schwartz, The Silicon Valley Diet, And to Think That He Kissed Him on Lorimer Street and Eating at Arby’s: The South Florida Stories. He has received three individual artist fellowships from the Florida Arts Council and a writer-in-residence award from the New York State Council on the Arts. A native of Brooklyn, he currently lives in Williamsburg and Phoenix and teaches at the School of Visual Arts.

After that, head over to BWAC’s pier show, and pick up a map for the annual RED HOOK/CARROLL GARDENS OPEN STUDIO TOUR. This year, Ellie Winberg, Matt Tieman, and I have wrangled over 100 participating artists!

See more details here:

B61 bus to Red Hook from Jay St train in Downtown Bklyn is one way…or B77 from Smith/9th…see BWAC.ORG for more detailed directions.

If you’re coming from downtown Manhattan, we’ve even alerted Water Taxi to Red Hook!

Mark your calendars for what’s sure to be a GREAT DAY!