I went to Brookyn Record today for one of my daily look/sees and found out that it has been discontinued.

I, for one, am sorry to see it go. I liked it over there. I know that it hadn’t really found it’s own unique voice yet but I thought it was a fun and ambitious idea. An off-shoot of Brownstoner, Brooklyn Record was trying to be an all-Brooklyn (non-real estate) blog. That’s a tall order as this is one BIG borough.

I think this blog business is very nichey — you really have to focus and figure out what you do best. Brooklyn bloggers are carving out various slices of the Brooklyn pie and there’s lots to go around in term of neighborhoods and themes. 

I do respect Brownstoner’s "live and learn" attitude as stated below. He’s decided to stick with Brownstoner and post certain Brooklyn Record-type items there. Here’s what the ever-thoughtful and ambitious Mr. B. had to say. Good bye Brooklyn Record: we’re gonna miss you.

Live and learn. We launched Brooklyn Record almost exactly a year ago
with the idea that there was a whole lot of stuff going on in Brooklyn
that had little to do with real estate and that wasn’t being adequately
covered in any one blog.

We still think it’s a valid concept but we’ve
decided to leave it to someone with deeper pockets to try and to stick
to our knitting here at Brownstoner.

It’s been hard trying to support
two brands and creating artificial boundaries editorially; frankly,
it’s also proven a lot harder to support a general interest blog with
advertising. Going forward, some of the things we’ve been putting in
the Brooklyn Record basket in recent months—like storefront openings
and closings and the more human-interest side of real estate, for
example—will find a home under the Brownstoner umbrella.

Other topics,
like kick-boxing classes and indie rock concerts aren’t going to make
the cut.