When OSFO and Smartmom got home from Saturday night’s BBQ, Supermercado-Lulee was in her box crying. She’d tipped over her water bowl and her food (mackeral and something gross) was all over the bottom of the box.
Smartmom googled "Kitten" and tried to get some kitty tips.
They decided to use a plastic box which necessitated emptying out dozens of Beanie Baby’s onto the hallway floor. SM covered the bottom of the box with soft towels.
Supermercado-Lulee looked cozy in her new box. When OSFO and SM were in the room, she kept jumping out of the box to play. When they left the room, she settled down and tried to sleep.
They left the room.
Teen Spirit called to say that he was sleeping over at a friend’s house. That irked OSFO no end.
"He gets a kitten and the first night he doesn’t even want to stay home with her." OSFO screamed. "I think we should get rid of her."
This surprised SM. She thought that OSFO, pet lover that she is, would be happy to have the kitten — Teen Spirit or no Teen Spirit. But OSFO could see the writing on the wall. "I’m going to be the one to take care of it and I really want a dog," she cried.
OSFO promptly went to sleep. Alone with the Supermercado-Lulee, it became abundantly clear to Smartmom that this new addition to her life was not the best idea. She slept fitfully all night. Checking on the kitten, wondering if she needed food or water. In a word: she worried.
Smartmom woke up early and called Teen Spirit, where he was sleeping. He sounded groggy. "We’ve decided to take the kitty back," she said.
"You can’t," he said.
"Why," she said.
"Because I love the kitten," he said.
"But you’re not here," she said.
"Cats can take care of themselves," he said.
"But not kittens," she said.
"But that’s just for the first few months," he said.
And on and on. Finally, SM told TS to come home for a family meeting. There would be a vote. As a family, they would decide on what to do about Supermercado-Lulee.
SM waited until 9 a.m to call the Brooklyn Animal Foster Network to tell them what she was thinking.
"If you’re not in love with the kitten, bring her back!" the woman wisely said.
Eat the fuckin thing, Smartmom!