A friend sent this news of a city-wide town meeting on Thursday June 7th to help improve the  wages of domestic workers:

Many of us, as children or adults, have benefited from the services of a person who worked, parttime or fulltime, in our home as a cleaner or caregiver.  Or we will need such help in the future.

For these critical services, most domestic workers are poorly compensated and do not enjoy the same legal protections as other workers.

Concerned citizen-activists have organized a state-wide campaign to improve the wages, working conditions, and benefits of domestic workers through a new Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Support for this bill is growing, but this effort will not succeed unless many state residents publicly show their commitment to its purposes.

Please give a few hours of your time to join a city-wide town meeting that will enable public officials to learn more about the need and support for the Bill of Rights. Domestic workers and employers as well as civic and religious leaders will share their views.  The program will also include New York State Commissioner of Labor, Patricia Smith; New York State Assembly member Keith Wright; and acclaimed writer Barbara Ehrenreich.

Peace in the Home: Domestic Work in New York State
Thursday June 7th, 6:30pm
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
For more information, contact Danielle Feris:  or 212-647-8966 ext. 11