From Gersh and Ariella at the Brooklyn Paper:

More than 50 opponents of Atlantic Yards rallied on Monday morning in front of three buildings that Bruce Ratner plans to demolish this week, arguing that the developer should wait until pending litigation on the project is resolved before tearing them down.

“We say to Gov. Spitzer, we need you now!” said Councilwoman Letitia James (D–Prospect Heights). “This community was forced to file lawsuits because [of the lack of] government oversight.”

The developer did not return a request for comment from The Brooklyn Paper on Friday and again on Monday.

Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn spokesman Daniel Goldstein said Ratner’s decision to move ahead with the demolitions was “deeply troubling.”

“It has yet to be shown that [Ratner’s] Atlantic Yards project passes legal muster,” said Goldstein, whose group is one of 26 plaintiffs in the case.