No Impact Man describes his project thusly: "A guilty liberal finally snaps, swears off plastic, goes organic, becomes a bicycle Nazi, turns off his power, composts his poop and, while living in NYC, generally turns into a tree-hugging lunatic who tries to save the polar bears and the rest of the planet from environmental catatrophe while dragging his baby daughter and Prada-wearing, Four-Seasons-loving wife along for the ride."

From his blog:

First, I’m going to be on WYNC’s The Brian Lehrer Show live at 10:06 AM EST today, March 21, 2007 (you can also listen to the recorded show if
you missed it live). We’ll be taking calls (212-433-9692), so please phone in! I
will not be nervous…I will not be nervous…Well, that’s not working.

Second, there’s a New York Times story about the No Impact
project on the front page of today’s House and Home Section. It’s the result of
reporter Penelope Green following us around for a few days asking all manner of
personal questions about our No Impact lifestyle. 

(One thing I wish I could change in the story is
this idea that we are doing this project  because it "was the only one
of four [book ideas] his agent thought would sell." If I could change
that bit, it would read, "Mr. Beavan had decided that with so many
urgent problems in the world, writing more history books felt
irrelevant. He decided to change the course of his career. When he
presented ten ideas about the environment to his agent, Beavan was
surprised that his agent most liked Beavan’s personal favorite–the No
Impact Man idea.")