This note was sent to me by Rawle Jackman, a parent of a first grade student at PS 282. When I asked if it would be okay for me to post his email he wrote, "Sure you may. Anything that can help to keep this from becoming a very ugly situation."

Hello Ms. Crawford,

a parent of a first grade Lead student at PS 282, I would like to
reassure you that the basis for the parents’ opposition to the Khalil
Gibran International Academy is and has been purely relating to the
logistics and perceived educational hits that the currently high
achieving school may undertake. It is truly disappointing to see that
such a hateful message, the MIM link, could be infused into this
already very serious issue. It lowers, greatly diminishes and diverts
the attention from the concerns that we as parents really have.

As many parents have asserted, our quarrel is not with the
Khalil Gibran International Academy, many have met and spoken to the
the principal of that school, Ms Debbie Almontaser, there is no reason
to believe that her school will not be successful. In fact many such
schools in today’s America, may indeed be necessary. But as the New
York Times article stated, these "New Schools" are slated to be placed
in low performing schools throughout the city. PS 282 is by no stretch
a low performing school. Our concerns are with the compromising of
curriculum, where the focus of the Dept. of Education, should be on
improving and not diminishing, inadequate facilities, the overcrowding
of the school, it’s bathrooms, classrooms, stairwells, also used by
Pre-Kindergarteners, etc. The improving of the computer labs, science
labs, music rooms etc. Oftentimes it seems that when it comes to
education in NYC, the decisions on where and on what to spend money seems seriously inequitable.

I thank you for your time.

Rawle Jackman
PS 282 1st Grade Parent


  1. i am a reporter working on a story about the khali gibran school. i am interested in speaking with either parents that have children enrolled at ps 282 or parents who would like their child to attend the new khalil gibran school in september.
    please call amanda: 917.805.0429 or email me (
    thank you!

  2. ATTN: PS 282 parents
    I am a student at Columbia University studying journalism and covering Brooklyn as a reporting beat. Would anybody be willing to talk for five minutes or so about the parents’ position regarding the Khalil Gibran International Academy? I’ve already talked to the Department of Education and have their side of the story, but would appreciate the chance to talk to PS 282 parents about their side. This is strictly for a class, not publication.
    If you have a few minutes to talk, please feel free to contact me at or 212-756-5132.

  3. “we New Yorkers…” Who are you kidding, M? You’re in some boring part of the country. A real New Yorker would never say “shariah law will rule NYC.” I call BS on you. Admit it, you’re in, like, Pennsylvania.

  4. not to mention that the curriculum is based on Saudi Wahhabism. The curriculum creator is funded by those who believe that We Ourselves are to blame for the 9/11 attacks. They will be teaching the difference between legitimate violence, and illegitimate violence. So, the U.S. having bases in Suadi Arabia are grounds for legitimate violence? Wake Up America….. these so called “moderate” muslims may not directly promote violence, but they certainly don’t denounce it en mass either. What they do promote is the Koran, which calls for the complete dominance of islam over the world. This may be acheived through political means… eventually shariah law will rule NYC. They corrupt our courts and security by demanding special “civil liberties”, and suing government,industries, and individuals for being aware that pretty much 99% of today’s terrorists are muslim (which is not a race, but an ideology.) I hope we New Yorkers realize the grave situation we’re in before it’s too late.

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