The Park Slope St. Patrick’s Day Parade is fun and all but yesterday on the way home from Rehoboth Beach it was just a major hassle. Major.

Yesterday’s was OSFO birthday party and I had to get home at 1 p.m. SHARP. We made great time from Rehboboth Beach except for that little speeding ticket thingy.

Zoom, zoom, zoom it was quick up the Jersey Turnpike. Zip, zip, zip: even Staten Island wasn’t too bad. Same with the Verrazano Bridge and the BQE.

But then we hit 8th Avenue in Park Slope and it was bumper to bumper. MAN THIS SUCKS WE SAID. And then I saw them: the bag pipers walking west on 15th Street.

"Damn, it’s the St. Pat’s parade," I said feeling like an idiot because I posted about it last week. I could see the headline: Park Slope Parade on Sunday. How had I forgotten? DUH. DOH. DAMN.

No one was moving. Eighth Avenue was at a gridlocked standstill. It was a mess. Cars were turning on 16th Street toward the Park. I told my friend to make the turn and I’d get out.

"I’ll get my bags from you later. Tomorrow. Whatever. I’ve got to bolt."

"What about your computer?" she said.

"OMIGOD," I pulled my computer out of the back of her hybrid but couldn’t get my duffel bag full of all the gifts I gotten for family members at the Beach.

I walked down a congested Seventh Avenue to the F Train. Party time…



  1. Was anyone else wondering why for such a modest parade, three avenues — PPW, Seventh and Eighth — were closed for hours? I found it extremely inconvenient.

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