I want to thank the readers who responded to yesterday’s post about Hepcat needing a job. I am  just thrilled—and so is he. All leads are being followed up on. What a great bunch of LEADS. How can I thank all of you? In the off chance that you didn’t see yesterday’s post, I am running it again in the hopes of getting even more responses. You can never have too many — it’s so competitive out there.

It’s hard to do justice to the many skills of Hecpat (No Words_Daily Pix). But we’re gonna try.

The new-fangled word for what Hepcat does is SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT.
I like the sound of that. In old style language: he’s a brilliant IT
guy with skills, brains, and computer know-how up the wazoo. And he
needs a job. He’s a creative and expert problem solver with top notch
an analytical skills and much experience in the world of computing.

Resume and references available on request.  Send inquiries to louise_crawford@yahoo.com

Any headhunters or HR people out there?