Beloved Park Slope actor, Charlotte Maier, will be appearing in a revival of  Inherit the Wind on Broadway with Christopher Plummer and Brian Dennehy.

Previews begin on March 19th of this famous play about the 1925 Scopes Monkey trial, in which a Tennessee science teacher, John
Scopes, was tried and convicted for teaching Darwin’s theory of
evolution, violating a Tennessee law that forbade teaching any theory
that conflicted with the Biblical conception of Divine Creation.

This revival of Inherit the Wind
comes after the original 1955 mounting of the play, a 1960 big-screen
adaptation starring Spencer Tracy and Frederic March, and a 1996

Maier, shown left with her son, Teddy, is known to many in Park Slope for her small, but hilarious role in "The Pink Panther." She plays the voice coach hired by Inspector Clouseau (played by Steve Martin). "Hamburger, hamburger," she enunciates trying to help Clouseau lose his French speech impediment.

It was the best and funniest scene in the movie. According to Maier, they got the scene in one take. Steve Martin convulsed in laughter as he and the crew watched it on playback. "I think we got it," he said (or something like that).

It is a really funny scene.

Maier’s movie credits also include, Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant and Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant.

In  Inherit the Wind Maier appears with the star of stage and screen, Christopher Plummer, known to all as Captain van Trapp in the movie version of  The Sound of Music.

No, he will not sing "Edelweiss" at any performance.

If you’re interested in tickets for the show, which is at the Lyceum (149 West 45th) go to the Inherit the Wind website.