Teen Spirit attended last night’s production of the Wooster Group’s Hamlet at St. Ann’s Warehouse and mostly enjoyed it. He loved the very unusual staging and acting by this very talented, very experimental theater troupe, pioneers in the field of experimental theater.

I found this on Fisherspooner’s blog. They did the music for the production.

Wooster Group’s Hamlet is an archaeological excursion into America’s
cultural past, looking for archetypes that shadow forth our identity. The Wooster group has been drawn to Richard Burton’s Hamlet, a 1964 Broadway
production which was recorded in live performance from 17 camera angles
and edited into a film that was shown for only two days in 2000 movie
houses across the US. The idea of bringing a live theater experience to
thousands of simultaneous viewers in different cities was trumpeted as
new form called "Theatrofilm", made possible through "the miracle of
Electronicvision". The Wooster Group’s Hamlet attempts to reverse the
process, reconstructing a hypothetical theater piece from the
fragmentary evidence of the edited film, like an archeologist inferring
an improbable temple from a collection of ruins. Channeling the ghost
of the legendary 1964 performance, the Group descends into a kind of
madness, intentionally replacing its own spirit with the spirit of

Show dates are:
Feb. 27-28
March 1-4, 6-11, 13-18, 20-25
All shows are at 8PM, except for Sunday’s which are at 4PM.