This from the blog, The Hall Montior (Keeping an Eye on Education), about a school in Westchester where three girls were suspended for reading a passage from Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues.

Three students have been suspended for saying the word “vagina”
during an Open Mic Night Friday at John Jay High School in Cross River.
School officials had warned the girls they would be reprimanded if they
said the word while reading a selection from Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues

girls had divided the reading into thirds, but all joined together in
saying the word “vagina,” which appeared only once. The girls each must
serve a one-day, in-school suspension.

Here’s what they read:

“My short skirt is a liberation
flag in the women’s army
I declare these streets, any streets
my vagina’s country.”

classmates have expressed outrage over the suspensions, saying that a
school should be a place where students have the right to express
themselves. They plan to make t-shirts and posters to protest the
school’s decision.

Do you think the students should have been suspended?

Picture by Strph on Flickr


  1. That’s absolutely insane. I can’t believe they’re outlawing “vagina.” Sure, teens can get a glimpse of Britney’s on the internet, but they can’t say the word in an institution of learning? That is messed up.
    BTW, thanks for blogging my photo. :) Good use for it!

  2. How are young women supposed to grow up with a healthy sense of self-esteem when they are taught that the legitimate term for one of their body parts is an obscenity? Censorship is obscene, vaginas are body parts.

  3. Since when is vagina a dirty word? how ridiculous! Penis. Vagina. Penis. Vagina. Body parts.

  4. vagina, vagina, vagina. would someone please suspend me from school?
    oh, too late. i’m already out of school. and look where that’s gotten me.
    could these educators get their thinking caps back on please?

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