1. Hi Louise,
    Apologies for this off-topic comment, but I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to reach you by e-mail.
    J-Lab, The Institute for Interactive Journalism, is compiling a new online citizen journalism directory – part of the new citizen journalism resource site. We wanted to try once more to gather information on Only The Blog Knows Brooklyn for this directory.
    Please take five minutes to fill out a brief online survey so we can include your site (for free). We need your response by midnight Friday, March 2.
    Here is our survey:
    Due to respondents’ suggestions, we have restructured this survey so that all questions now appear on one web page. We also have reduced the number of required fields. So if you hesitated to respond before, please check out the revised survey.
    Our survey requests descriptive information that will allow us to categorize your site, location information to place it on our Google Map navigation interface, and contact information for our internal use only (to keep the directory updated).
    This online citizen journalism directory is sponsored by J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism at the University of Maryland, as part of a forthcoming Knight Citizen News Network initiative, and by the Center for Citizen Media, jointly affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University Law School.
    Please help us track the rise of citizen journalism.
    Questions: e-mail me at
    Thank you,
    Adam Glenn of I, Reporter, on behalf of J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism

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