Come on in out of the deep freeze on Friday February 23rd
From 6-9 p.m. For the Lucky Gallery’s inaugural show.
“Oh, Lucky Day!”

Peter J. Ketchum, Ed Rosko, and Arthur Georgalas: 3 Brooklyn artists who each
carry on, in perhaps a twisted fashion, the fine tradition of Pop Art with a cutting
edge of social commentary!

“It is sort of senior citizen-me meets the next
generation of artists…”

Ketchum said of this interesting mix of artists being shown at Lucky Gallery through March
31st. The gallery hours are Friday-Sunday 12-5 or by
appointment. Information: 718 852 9232

The Gallery is located at the corner of Richards and Wolcott Streets in Redhook just a
block west of the HOPE & ANCHOR diner, BAKED coffee shop
and the KENTLER gallery.