This from NY 1:

The federal housing secretary was in Brooklyn Friday where he vowed to
keep housing affordable at the Starrett City complex.

Alphonso Jackson says he’ll review the recent sale of the complex
to see whether it threatens the city’s low-income housing market.

“The Statue of Liberty does not have engraved the words well-off, high-income, or six figure [salaries],” said Jackson.

It is up to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to step
in and reverse the sale of the East New York housing complex.

"This country made a commitment to places like Starrett City," said
Jackson. "This is a commitment that has been honored for the entre 30
year existance of Starrett City and I ,for one, will not pull back

Critics believe new owner Clipper Equity has to have a plan to
price out tenants or it won’t be able to make a profit off the $1.3
billion purchase of the complex.

The new owners say they’re committed to preserving affordable housing.

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo also says the main buyer, David
Bistricer, has a State Supreme Court injunction against him, barring
him from certain real estate transactions for life. Cuomo plans to
enforce this injunction.

"This purchaser has a long and troubled history in housing and a
record of tenant abuse that goes back over a decade," said Cuomo.

In a statement, a lawyer for Clipper Equities says Bistricer is allowed to sell units on a case-by-case basis.

Many residents of the complex are embracing the support of local
politicians like Cuomo and Senator Charles Schumer, and encouraging
them to continue their efforts.

“Please try to keep the building,” said 85-year-old resident Lessie Everett.

Starrett City is the largest federally-subsidized housing development in the country.