I spoke to a class of graduate students in creative writing at Adelphi University  about blogging today. It was really fun.  I told them I’d post some blog basics. Here goes:

1. Give your blog a name and a URL that’s easy to remember and not too long.

2. Avoid the word blog in the name of your blog.

3. Just get started. You can learn about all the special features as you go.

4. Post as often as you can. At least every day. That keeps people coming back for more.

5. If you use an excerpt from someone’s blog always credit them and link to them. Always use the permalink URL for a story that you are linking to.

6. Keep your blog posts short. People don’t want to read too much.

7. Use pictures on your blog.

8. If you use photos from Flickr, credit and link to the photographer.

9. Include a list of all your favorite blogs.

10. Make it clear on your blog how readers can email you.

11. The best blogs have a clear focus, a niche, something they do better than anyone else.

12. If you are going to run a journalistic blog, make sure you play by journalism’s rules. Be fair. Be honest. Respect the wishes of those you speak to to be on or off the record.

13. Remember. As soon as you put yourself out there as a blogger, a columnist, a writer — you need to have a thick skin. You are are target for insulting comments. But good feedback will come your way, too.

14. Keep on blogging.

One thought on “BLOG BASICS”

  1. Thanks for coming Louise–it was a great class. I learned something yesterday that I want to add to your list: Blogging is about community is about sharing. Generosity is key. What goes around comes around. And you gave the best demonstration of this. On top of being smart, you were energetic, thoughtful, helpful and kind.

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