Yay. A new thing to get all opinionated about. Sharing breast feeding with a friend, a breast friend, that is. What fun. Read Babble’s story of two women, writer Jennifer Baumgardner and her friend, Anastasia, who decided to share breast feeding duties.

"When my son was a few months old and my dear, dear friend Anastasia was at the
end of her pregnancy, she turned to me one day and said, "I have a request."

"Anything," I said. After all, she had come over two or three times a week
since my baby was born to help me as I finished a book. She’d done everything from
returning phone calls to burping the baby to vacuuming. When she tipped over in the course of
trying to rock my son, Skuli, she bonked her head rather than drop him, prompting me to
wonder if it was fair to relegate administrative tasks and baby-care to a woman who was nine months pregnant.

"I want us to nurse each other’s babies," Anastasia said.

"Okay," I said, immediately.

"They’ll be milk-siblings," she said excitedly.

"Yeah," I said. "Wow."According to La Leche League, I shouldn’t even be giving my own child my tainted milk, let alone another woman’s.

What I didn’t do was yell, "OMIGOD! THAT IS SO BIZARRE THAT YOU WANT
TO DO THAT!" But that was my first internal reaction. Second internal reaction:
how am I going to get out of this when I already said okay?"