This was my idea so I’ll take all the credit. Mrs. Cleavage has a blog on Metro Parents and it’s SO FUN. It’s called: Mrs. Cleavage’s Diary

Mary MacRae Warren (aka Mrs. Cleavage) is a single mother who lives
with her delightful young boy child in a cluttered apartment in East
New York. She is saucy, opinionated, creative, and a smarty-pants – not
necessarily in that order. This is her story, live and unedited from
Brooklyn. Here’s an excerpt. She just lost her job…

At 11:30
a.m., my boss called me into the conference room sat me down with the
Senior Vice President of Human Resources who politely informed me of
the terms of my severance, due to structural reorganization.  Hey, at
least I wasn’t actually fired.  I’m just unnecessary.

I feel so much better.

smiles and handshakes all around, then Mrs. Cleavage went to pack up
her desk.  Who knew in six months one could accumulate such sh*t.  Into
the paper bag went my son’s photo and the cardinal paperweight he made
me, the spare pair of panty hose, the baby wipes.  Gave my Earl Grey
tea to my co-worker along with my hand sanitizer, the Emergen-C to my
boss. Fired off a couple of farewell emails, deleted junk from my hard
drive and that was that. 

Then I turned in my keys, picked up
my little bags, and went into the ladies room to freak out.  I sobbed
all the way home on the train.  What a nightmare. I hate public
displays, but I could not keep it together. 

I messaged a
friend who couldn’t really deal with my panic.  I called my therapist
who now stands even less of a chance of being paid for his services. I
hiccupped through that phone call. 

I feel like such a loser.
This morning and in the last couple of weeks, I’ve been so – um –
tranquil in the face of all the crap that’s happened to me in the past
two and half years. In essence, I’ve just handed myself over to the
safe-keeping of the universe (what some people call giving themselves
up to god, but which I can’t say because I’m not invested in a
figurehead).  And this is what the universe thinks I f*cking deserve –
unemployment, no money and no career prospects, no lover or social life
to speak of.  Nice.

Okay, I sound a bit sour grapes here.  And
right now I am very bitter.  But there is got to be a positive reason
for all of this.  I have to believe that or I’d stick my head in the
oven tonight. 

Monday morning I’m going to get up, get dressed
and pretend to go to work.  I can’t tell my son I don’t have a job.
What the f*ck?