I found this in my inbox this afternoon. It’s from a woman I know at PS 321, who is angry enough about this war to try and do something about it.

Dear Friends:

Hope you don’t mind my contacting you via email. I’m sending this to
everyone I think might take some action.

I haven’t bugged my friends and acquaintances about political stuff
for a long time and haven’t been too politically active myself for
quite a while – but after Bush’s speech about escalating the war in
Iraq a couple of weeks ago, I was moved to get up off my butt and do
something again. I felt that the time was appropriate, considering
that we have a new congress and maybe a new direction, to exercise my
first amendment right to speak out, show up and be counted. So I
went to Washington for the Anti-War march on Saturday. I must admit,
it was more sparsely attended than I had hoped or expected.

I had spoken to many other people whose sentiments were in line with
mine but who were not able to arrange to go themselves. If you are
one of those people (and even if you did actually go), there is now
another significant action that you can take. I’m hoping that those
of you who didn’t go to Washington (but wanted to) are feeling just
guilty enough to read on. is organizing a VIRTUAL MARCH and asking people to sign up
for a time to call your State Senators to let them know how you feel
about the escalation of the Iraq war. On February 1 (next Thursday)
a few days before senate votes on the escalation, is
asking people to bombard the phone lines of our senators to let them
know that they should vote AGAINST this heinous action.

They are trying to organize this because often people have the best
of intentions to call but become frustrated because everyone seems to
be calling at the same time. They’re trying to get people to commit
to calling at all different times throughout the day which will also
create a consistent string of anti-war phone calls all day long.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE visit the website at:

to join the VIRTUAL MARCH and to sign up for a time to call your
senators. Also, how great would it be if you could also email
everyone in your address book to do the same?

I’m not sure why, but I’m feeling like we might actually be able to
make a difference now. Hope you feel that way too and can take a few
minutes on Thursday, Feb. 1 to call.