Tens of thousands marched in Washington on Saturday against the troop increase in Iraq. The event drew demonstrators from across the country,

"I can’t believe it was less than one hundred thousand," a Brooklyn friend who attended the march said this morning. "It wasn’t an angry march. Not angry enough," she said.  "People were committed. But it wasn’t loud and angry."

"What does it take for people to really get angry. Does it take bringing the draft back?" she wondered. "People are disgusted. They don’t want the escalation."

My friend who drove down, noticed a lot of Brooklyn groups there, including Brooklyn Parents for Peace. The weather was gorgeous; perfect day for marching.

Code Pink was there in full force. My friend described a wonderful puppet, brought by a group of Seattle puppeteers, that was a 30 ft long spine made of white, silk parachute material. On it was printed: Impeach, Indict, Imprison.

On the other side it said: Fund the Homecoming (of the soldiers.

According to my friend, all the usual celebrity suspects wise were there. The big surprise: Jane Fonda spoke. It was the first time in 34 years that she has participated in a protest march.

My friend spotted a counter protest — five or sx people — with signs that disparaged Jane Fonda (Hanoi Jane) and other peaceniks calling them Al Queda Appeasers.

On the march, people talked about impeachment.  "We want to get him out before the term is over. But then you have Cheney. You have to impeach Chaney first. Then get Bush out," she said.

Tim Robbins, a fave of my friend, "had great energy, he’s lively." Susan Sarandon spoke about the vets and the cost of the war on the mental and physical health.  She said that 200 returning vets have committed suicide thus far. They’re having a hard time when they get back and there’s little support for them.