1. I’m a retired a police officer from the 78th pct and i’ve just talked to a few of my freiends there. First of all Mr.Rushoff isnt returning any of the detective phone calls or cooperating in anyway in the inestigation. I guess they didn’t teach civic dutie at those fancy schools he attended or he just doesn’t care what happens to the next guy. Its just more plublicity and something else to talk about on Larry King, but go ahead and bad mouth the NYPD, its alot easier.

  2. Actually, if you read the post carefully, Doug says it was at gunpoint as well:
    Getting a knife pushed into your ribcage now and again is just part of the price we pay to live in a city, and New York is supposedly one of the safer of the bunch. But getting mugged on my front stoop, at gunpoint, has made me feel less terrible about not being able to afford an apartment here.

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