Green News of the Week: Seeing Green

I learned this from this week’s Green News of the Week on Seeing Green. Speaking of LEDs…

Green Eyes Glowing Softly in the Night. Look around your
house at night and what do you see? Many, many  LEDs glowing balefully
at you, each of them indicating a small but growing use of energy

Shut Windows to save power, urges industry:
Computer energy bills could be slashed by up to 40 per cent if Windows
had its power management settings turned on by default, according to a
leading environmentalist.

consume 96% of their power in on-idle mode," said Catriona McAlister,
senior consultant for AEA Energy & Environment, speaking at an
Intel discussion on energy efficient computing. "You could save 40% of
annual energy consumption just by turning on power management on PCs
and monitors."