Every day a little more. It’s really not that hard stepping into every store between Flatbush and 15th Street on Seventh AND Fifth Avenue. Ha!

I do it in bits. As I take my walks, do my errands. The truth is I do get around. I will do the South Slope on Wednesday on the way to my shrink.

I will do Seventh Avenue on my way to and from my office.

I will do Fifth Avenue a little here, a little there.

I may even cheat: There’s a booklet around called SHOP LOCAL put out, I believe, by the Park Slope Reader. It’s got pix of gifts that look real nice.

The idea is to find one item in every shop worth gifting. Sometimes there are more. Sometimes there is only one. If I get carried away it means I found a lot in that particular shop. But if there is only one item, it doesn’t mean that that store is lacking. It just means that I found THE ITEM, the very cool, unusual gift item. Then I’m on my way.

I’m usually with the shopping adverse OSFO. Mind you, she’s only shopping adverse if we’re not shopping for her. If we’re in Little Things or some other kid-oriented emporium she can spend hours. That’s why I was able to select more than one thing at Little Things.

Because I’m with OSFO, sometimes I have to do it from the window. I’ll say, "Hey, what’s THE item in this window…"