OSFO went to two Build-a-Bear parties this week. TWO.

Strange coincidence. Two of her friends have birthdays close together and they both wanted BAB parties.

OSFO was thrilled. Utterly. So were all the girls. The only one who didn’t look super excited was the mom charged with bringing six nine-year-olds to BAB on the subway.

But everything worked out. The girls picked out their bears and ate dinner at the Eat with your Bear Hands Cafe. Apparently, OSFO got her BAB monkey stuffed with 21 hearts. She named him Cubby and dressed and dressed him in red plaid pajama outfit with black socks.

The girls looked tired and excited when they got back from Wednesday’s party.

On Friday after school, it was time for BAB party number 2. OSFO still didn’t know what kind of BAB she wants. A giraffe. Another monkey. A white fluffy bear. A dog. How about a …

For those who don’t know: BAB is on Fifth Avenue on 46th Street. An attraction for kids, teens, and tourists, you pick out the shell of the stuffed animal you want and watch it get filled with  stuffing, a heart, even a voice. You even type out a birth certificate for the little BAB.

Smartmom loves to see OSFO happy and excited. So if this makes her happy and excited — Smartmom is happy, too.