Seeing Green bemoans the state of croissants in Brooklyn. But there’s hope. He had his first croissant at Sweet Melissa’s and was…delighted. He also talks coffee…

In New York (all of it, not just Park Slope) both the coffee and the
croissant situation has been dismal. Coffee? That weak brown liquid
sloshed with too much milk in spite of pleading "very very dark, and NO
sugar," (why the hell don’t they let you whiten and sweeten your own
coffee around here?)  Or the too bitter brew if you ask for a double?
And squishy bread masquerading as the real thing?

Well it has changed…today I got my first croissant from Sweet Melissa
and it was…heavenly! Just the right combination of flakiness and
slightly gooey doughiness on the inside, breaking apart just so, and
the right undercurrent of real butter to assault the taste buds,
dormant now for five years.

And…coffee? Haven’t tried the Sweet Melissa offering, but
Elizabeth says it’s good, and that’s something (she drinks triple
strength in the morning.) I think Gorilla Coffee (341 Fifth Ave) has the best around, but it’s a walk. Ozzie‘s on 5th Ave. is right around the corner from me; good coffee but not quite up to par. At home we get Peet’s
coffee delivered all the way from Northern California (not least
because they’ve been a long-time client of mine) and that level of
super-black, sticky-oily, aromatic roastedness I have not yet found


  1. May be a little out of your way, and I haven’t tried their “regular” coffee yet, but I had the best latte I’ve ever had at The Nascent, a new coffee/pastry shop on the corner of Nevins and Bergen. Also, the Victory Cafe on State and Hoyt has excellent coffee, as well as The Flying Saucer Cafe on Atlantic between Third and Fourth.

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