Got this email in the old InBox the other day. Very interesting! Check it out. I signed up and will be using it frequently for my own dining needs as well as for the blog. It is a FANTASTIC resource as few restaurants in the nabe have websites. And what do you do when you’ve thrown out all the menus from Lemmongrass. Halleluah.

Hey Louise,

I found your blog and thought you would really love this new site that I just launched in Brooklyn: www.

We have menus and other information for a lot of Brooklyn (and a few other cities, including Manhattan) restaurants
already and we’re just getting started. We’re working on adding
restaurants around the clock so that we can be as comprehensive as
possible, but that’s only HALF of Menutopia.

The other half (the fun part) is customizing and personalizing the
site, really making it YOUR Menutopia. It’s really easy to rate and
review restaurants, save favorites, create lists, add friends, and a
bunch of other stuff.

So, check it out! If you like
it, please tell your friends or even blog about it. You can link
directly to our menus, which is great when you’re writing about a
restaurant and you want your readers to check out the menu.


We’ll also be providing a link back to all bloggers who mention Menutopia.