Life with a photographer isn’t always easy. Take walking down the street for instance. Last night Smartmom and Hepcat were walking down 14th Street after seeing "The Departed" at the Pavillion. They were having a great conversation about all the incredible performances in that amazing film when HC stopped dead in his tracks. "Stop walking," he said. "I’m taking a picture." He pointed off in the distance. Smartmom wasn’t exactly sure what he was seeing. The night sky looked gorgeous, there was the blur of traffic lights, restaurant neon.

Then Smartmom moved slightly. "Just as I get the picture set up you ruin it," he said. Smartmom didn’t no what she did wrong.  "But you’re not taking a picture of me are you?"

He wasn’t. He mumbled something and she got annoyed and walked oh so dramatically out of the picture area all the way around the corner thinking to herself: See,  I can’t ruin your picture now…

They walked down Seventh Avenue on separate sides of the block. "Why are you walking over there?" Hepcat called across the street. "So I won’t RUIN your picture," Smartmom said spitefully

Hepcat crossed over. "Hey, you want to see tomorrow’s No Words_Daily Pix. And there in his "viewfinder" was the most gorgeous night shot of 14th Street.

Okay, so Hepcat knows a great picture when he sees it. But that doesn’t mean the world has to stop just because Hepcat is taking a shot.

Or does it?