Well, if you missed it it’s your loss. Despite the pouring rain, a good-sized crowd gathered for a great reading last night at Brooklyn Reading Works.

Darcey Steinke read a piece from an upcoming memoir from Bloomsbury Press about stuttering. Funny. Sad. Smart. Great writing and reading.

Ilene Starger read beautiful poems of love, loss, loneliness, death and the reach for meaning in life.  Heart strong, languagey, dryly funny and sad.

Elissa Schappell read a fast-paced story called The Joy of Cooking—so engaging with a great great voice that was funny, sad, real and wrenching all at once. Can’t wait to see it in print (New Yorker Magazine, hello?).

Reason to come to BRW: a chance to be the first to hear great writers read unpublished works and work-in-progress.  It’s a fun, warm, comfortable, attentive, and un-stuffy environment for the appreciation of good writing.

Please come next time: December 14. The poets and publisher  of 32 Poems Magazine.