Simone Dinnerstein (left),
the daughter of Park Slope fine artist, Simon Dinnerstein and educator, Renee Dinnerstein will perform this Sunday November 19th at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She was featured recently on WQXR:

Named in a September article The New York Times as one of five artists "on the cusp of promising futures," Brooklyn pianist Simone Dinnerstein is presented this Sunday afternoon in the "Accolades for Pianists" series at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ms. Dinnerstein’s program comprises works by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Copland. It’s program of works with depth and substance, much like Ms. Dinnerstein herself, as WQXR’s  Jeff Spurgeon discovered in this conversation with her. Click
to listen this interview in MediaPlayer.

November 19, 2006

Simone Dinnerstein

Copland Piano Variations
Schumann Kinderszenen, Opus
Beethoven Sonata No. 32 in C
Minor, Opus 111
Bach—French Suite No. 5

Call 212-570-3949 for tickets.

Only New York recital

3:00 p.m.
The Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium
Single Tickets: $20




  1. hi ms. dinnerstein…
    my name is Ira and we may be distantly related…my paternal grandfather was Isidore “Jack” Feldman and i recall some years back reading some info or a newsletter from the ‘moshe yoneh society(?)’…it seems there was a family tree and i think the Alpert’s were also a related family…i’d love to get in contact with someone about a family tree and general contact…
    thanks and be well…i look forward to hearing from you…ira and perri plitt

  2. My name is Matt Dinerstein also. I grew up in Brooklyn, where my Grandfather Hyman Dinerstein, ran a deli on Parkside Avenue. He arrived from Poland thru Ellis Island, but I don’t know what year.

  3. I am Matt Dinerstein, I grew up in NY, but live in Chicago now. My grandfather was also (a) David Dinerstein who emigrated to the US around 1898, he settled in the Bronx NY where he (I think) ran a laundry. He passed away when I was a young child in the early 1960’s.
    I’m very interested in the family genealogy if possible please keep in touch with me and also if possible please share any family tree(s) with me.

  4. Sorry for the cut off. I am the son of David Dinnerstein who with his brother Harry and father established the Stevensville Lake Hotel in Swan Lake N.Y.
    The Dinnerstein Family has created a cousins club named after the wife of A. J. Dinnerstein who Immigrated in 1880. Her name was “Moshe Yoneh.” I have a family tree for reference. Unfortunately it does not include the new members of the 80s and 90s.
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Allan J. Dinnerstein, MD

  5. The name Dinnerstein is relatively rare. The first Dinnerstein to emmigrate to the USA came in 1880.
    Coincidentally, I took piano lesson and was accepted to Julliard. I opted to go to regular school because I didn’t want to become a concert pianist. Instead I went into medicine. We look forward to seeing your performance and perhaps meeting you when you perform with the Dresden Philharmonic in Florida in February.
    Please forward this to Ms. Dinnerstein.

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